Effective exercises to reduce belly fat for lazy people | SKINCARE AT HOME
Although owning a slim waist is every girl's dream. However, not everyone is diligent and maintains a regular workout routine. Since then, the practice has become ineffective and makes her more frustrated. So how to motivate lazy girls?

Speaking of fat-loss exercises, one can not ignore this abdominal movement. This is the most popular type of exercise that every girl knows. Especially, this gesture is extremely suitable for those who are lazy to practice. By simply staying in one place, you can still own a slim waist as you like thanks to burning fat in the belly from this exercise.
First, lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Hands behind your head, elbows facing to the sides. Note do not use hand force to lift people.
Conducting a hunch, the back still touches the floor. Use abdominal muscles to lift people, while combining breathing through the mouth to release energy from the body.
Inhale and return to the original position.
Repeat several times to improve your waist.
To own an "ant" waist, you can combine abdominals with cycling. This exercise helps you break down excess fat quickly, bringing around flat. At the same time, this combination helps your thigh muscles firmer.
Start the year back on the carpet.
The hands begin to be placed behind the head, lifting the head up in an upright position.
Place one leg on the pillow, perpendicular to the other, stretching your leg parallel to the carpet.
Perform a cycling position by retracting your left knee, straightening your right leg. Combine your body so that the right elbow hits the left pillow.
Switch sides and do between 10-20 beats.
Want to own around and slim body ideal, this exercise will be a great idea. In addition to helping reduce belly fat, regular exercise also helps to stimulate the third round. This will be the choice of the girls, helping to relax after a tiring working day.
Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet on the mat so that your ankles and knees are in line.
Place your hands along your body, palms facing down.
Use your toes to lift your hips off the floor and keep your back straight.
Hold the pose for about 1 second. Then, exhale and slowly lower your back to the floor.
Repeat this motion 3 times 15 times in a row.
Reduce fat with simplicity and smooth motion (Flutter Kick)
It can be seen that the cross leg kick is simple, but when done, the abdominal muscles will work a lot. Thanks to that, you can easily improve your round 2 and at the same time, the exercise also supports toned thigh muscles, helping you confidently regain good shape.
Lie on your back on the carpet. Lift one leg, the other leg straight, arms stretching along the body.
Kick one leg at a time by lifting the right leg, the left leg lowered and the side swapped continuously.
Make sure your legs mimic the shape of the scissors when opening and folding.
Keep your legs straight when done.
Sitting on the floor, bend your knees slightly. The right foot is pressed over the left foot, the left heel touches the floor and the toes are facing up. He leaned back slightly, his hands intertwined and stretched forward.
Turn body and hands to the left, knees to the right. Keep buttocks fixed on the floor.
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